Spencer O’Brien (1/7)

“It was something we did as a family every weekend, it was kind of how I grew up I guess. I grew up in Vancouver Island and my family just always went up the mountain on weekends. I was skiing at first and got into a ski when I was 3 and then when I was 11 I got the choice to either ski race or snowboard and both my older sisters already picked snowboarding so I wanted to be like them. I think my favorite thing about snowboarding is just that it’s so different for everyone, like you can really take it and do it your own way. It’s very creative and artistic in a way, I think more so than a lot of other sports. I can do a trick that a million other people can do but the way that I do it is going to look totally different. I think that makes it really cool in that aspect, and also just all the different ways there is to do it too, there’s free riding, there’s racing, half-pipe, slope-style, big air. There’s just like so many different ways to ride the mountain.” – Spencer O’Brien Pro Snowboarder, X Games Gold Medallist, Olympian. (1/7)