“I followed my brother into it at a young age, around 4 years old. Saw him doing it and I thought ‘oh that looks like fun.’ I started out doing singles and stuff like that. So I thought when I was young I’m going to be a singles skater, it’s going to be my career. At about 12, I started doing Ice Dancing because my singles career was not really going anywhere. That opened up a whole new world so that was pretty fun. Even better, it’s gone all over the place, different partnerships, seen Europe, about to go to Asia now.
I did it pretty young compared to some people, there are people who just started Ice Dance and that’s it but for me it was fun because I was really hating jumping at the time. Jumping was not fun, falling on your ass and all that stuff. It’s fun, it’s cool to be not out there by yourself too. When you are doing singles you are alone. But Ice Dance you got a support there, you got a teammate and it’s fun.
The speed and the telling of a story is what I like most. In singles, it’s really about the jumps and stuff, some people are really good at telling a story but that’s very secondary to most of them. In Ice Dance, you have to tell that story, you have to stay in it throughout the whole thing, it’s getting a good score, a good program out there so I love that story telling.” – Nik Wamsteeker, Team Canada Ice Dancer. (1/7)