
“I love working out because it’s a great mental release for me. It’s not just about the physical benefits. It’s about being healthy, being happy, being confident with who I am, being able to unload after a hectic work week and going into each day on a high because I make myself a priority. Sure noticing the changes physically and seeing how strong I’ve become is awesome and definitely puts a smile on my face. More importantly being able to de-stress after a work week or even a work day is more of an accomplishment in itself. I’m doing this for me! Each and every day I’m getting stronger both mentally and physically. Being active has definitely become a passion and a way of living for me. I’ve been going to Level 10 for almost 2.5 years and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. The community here is super supportive. Sure it was a bit of a struggle when I first started because I lacked confidence. Working out and being active is just a part of my life now and I always feel better in this element.” – Lisa, Fitness Enthusiast.