Larissa Van As (2/5)

“Being injured, being in that position and being overwhelmed with your injury and not knowing what to do, having been in that mindset and that feeling pushes me to able to help people in that position. I see people struggling not only with the physical pain, they wake up in chronic pain every morning and so did I and it sucks but then being in pain and seeing the mental/emotional aspect of it, I don’t want to call in a depression but a slump? A chronic frustration of will this ever go away, will it ever get better, and I’ve been there and it’s awful. I think that’s what pushes me to be able to help somebody, just seeing their world light up and have this moment of ‘hey I don’t feel pain right now’, I think that’s probably what motivates me.
My advice is to put in the work to get better. It’s really easy to get into a slump so just get into a routine. In school we call it the “Pain-Fear Cycle” and you get into this constant cycle of ‘I’m too injured, I’m going to sit at home and rest to be better.’ Sitting at home and resting doesn’t do anything. It’s getting up and moving and doing something about your pain. Whether it’s going to see your medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor, a physio, chiro, kinesiologist, dietician, or whatever it is. Putting in the effort to get better is how you are going to get better and not just sitting there and be like ‘I’m in pain, I’m fearful of moving’ and then you don’t do anything and then you have more pain. It’s just the constant cycle, and I think having to find the motivation deep down you need to break that cycle.” – Larissa Van As, Personal Trainer, Former Ice dancer, Future Naturopathic Doctor. (2/5)