KC Fraser (3/7)


“What I loved about going to the Olympics was getting to experience something I’ve always wanted to since I was a kid. I remember when I was a kid I wrote on a piece of a paper ‘Going to the Olympics is my life long dream and being the best paddler I can be’, I folded it and put it in my dresser, I didn’t look at it until last year, I opened it and I saw this note and was like ‘oh yeah I remember writing that.’ But what I loved about the Olympics was getting to experience and do it with the people I knew and also my family got to come down and actually experienced something I loved doing, and they enjoyed themselves. I know it’s really hard to see but my whole family doesn’t come together to see something like this often, so it was actually really great to have them there. Probably the low was I wish we could’ve medal, it was always something that I wish I did better but after that whole year, a lot of ups and a lot of obstacles that I’ve had to overcome, it was just so great to achieve something that I’ve been wanting to achieve since I was 14.”- KC Fraser, Olympic Kayaker, Pan Am Games Gold Medalist. (3/7)