Joey Balzer (4/6)


“My biggest advice is to do something you enjoy. Some people are struggling with your job, struggling with a move, or struggling with whatever it is they are struggling with. Finding time to do that one thing you enjoy will make things so much better in the end. Finding that time to relax, put your mind at ease if that’s weightlifting or going for a run or going to the gym. Whatever you like to do, finding that one thing you enjoy and make sure that’s in you life when you are going through a struggle.
Through my own experiences, when I was struggling with moving to a new place, moving 2 hours away from all my family, but going to the gym, meeting all those people in there but also being able to focus on something and keeping my mind off of what I was going through was really helpful for me. It kind of came from my own experiences and my own struggles.” – Joey Balzer, Olympic Weightlifter. (4/6)