Joey Balzer (1/6)


“I found Olympic weightlifting 2 years ago while I was doing powerlifting and I wanted a more hardcore gym so when I moved out to North Vancouver, I found Level 10 and started powerlifting. Then one day I saw somebody with weightlifting shoes and I was intrigued about using weight lifting shoes for squats and powerlifting. Through chatting with him for a while I found out he was the coach at Level 10 for weightlifting, we had some sessions together and I found the sport. Through that, I’ve been doing it for almost 2 years now. What I like most about it is you come into the gym with a purpose every day, when you are doing a bodybuilding type workout, you’re just going in there for aesthetics and for me I was always someone who wanted to be more sport performance based. So I come into the gym with a goal that I’m going to do a certain amount of weight today, these are my rep schemes and all that.” – Joey Balzer, Olympic Weightlifter (1/6)