Ainsley Tan (1/3)

“I’ve been working out since last April. I think I just had it easy in high school when I did absolutely nothing, my body was fine I guess and I felt fine? My whole life I was kind of just naturally skinny and after high school in University I started eating fast food every day at school because I didn’t want to bring lunch so I put on a lot of weight. Then one day I saw a picture of me and I realized how big my stomach got, and I got really upset about it and it just made me feel ugly and like crap. My mom always worked out at home so one day after school I just decided to do what she did for one day and see how it made me feel. Then I did it and really liked how energized I felt after. It’s crazy how you can feel better from living a better life style and it’s not even just physical because you feel better on the inside too.” – Ainsley Tan, Fitness Enthusiast. (1/3)